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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Life with half a dozen as I know it.

Life as I know it is with 6 kids daily. They are my half of dozen. I have everyday experiences with my kids as people probably have with kids that are ungraciously spoiled. lol. That my friend was a metaphor. I deal with life as it comes to me. How do I keep from having a nervous breakdown is beyond me lol, I just know that I have acquired a gift over time thats called: "Patience". Laugh, go ahead, but honestly, it works. Don't ask how I keep this patience, I just do. I am 32 and currently a single mom, because I decided one night, or should I say at 2:00 am in the morning, that I and my kids need to move on with our lives in order to be happy and safe. Mind you, this was a bad marriage of 9 years and was with my ex for 13. Marriage is suppose to be about two people commiting their entire lives to each other because they decided at that moment in time that they wouldn't want to spend their lives with anyone else but each other. So, henceforth they get married. But when you get married, your suppose to be in love, want a family of your own, and not expect your wife to support you or care for you like your one of her kids. And you spouse shouldn't job hop, be addicted to porn sites, and cheat on you constantly because they say you don't give them the attention they so desperately are missing. You can't give attention to sex addicts I assure you, they are never satisfied. so that leads me to my new found life with my sister who moved in with me to help out. But we are doing good and I am now a full time college student in Cape Girardeau MO. at Semo. I love it, I want to be a publisher, and have a minor in photography. what do you want to be, and what are you doing to accomplish that? I love to cook, I garden, I write, I cry, I laugh, I fart, It smells, lol, and my kids, well they do just about everything, including making you feel like your the most important person in the world. They make me stuff, Tell me I look beautiful, They fight, scream, but yet protect one another, and they love bedtime stories being read to them everynite at bedtime. Its like our own personal tradition we made up ourselves to pass on down to their children one day. To read bedtime stories everynite. Its fun and the books sometimes are funny. But 6 kids aren't easy. Its a daily challenge and battle sometimes. Theres good moments and bad ones. I hate the bad ones. But the good ones are so precious. I thank God for my kids, they made me a better person and mom. It doesn't matter if their father is not in their life, instead he spends his time and money with his friends he lives with and 4 different girls he sleeps with and one is pregnant by him now.. So now you will know why my kids don't see him much. Its not safe. Some of his friends are barhoppers like him, or into drugs, and practice witchcraft and I find that if you really want to see your kids ,and if you really love them, you wouldn't be doing all the wrong things but try and do all the right things. He doesn't support them either, its just me and my sister. Thats all. But we manage and its cool. God is a Good God and he always makes sure we make it through. Well, its getting close to them to get ready for bed, thats a challenge, because they decide to go nutty for a few minutes, and drive me nuts till they blissfully fall asleep to their bedtime stories and favorite cartoons. lol. Gotta love icarly for sure, because i like it too. so when they watch it, I do to. Well, until tomorrow say a prayer for me and my half of dozen that they don't decide to duck tape me and my sister to the wall. lol. Bye