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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The ten things your man wants, and how to give it to him

The 10 things that your man wants and oh yeah, how to give it to him............

You know what you want out of a relationship, but have you ever thought about what your man wants?

Marriage is a sacred vow that millions of us commit to everyday. It means so
much-  you have a partner for life that will endure the ups and downs of being alive right along side you.
You've entered the commitment based on love, respect, adoration, and
friendship, but through the years we may lose site of how important it is to
maintain our relationship.      Worse yet, we may lose sight of what a man wants from a woman.

This doesn't mean that women should be the only ones concerned about what
their spouses or boyfriends need out of a relationship.  this should be a reciprocal process.  But, what you may find out is your man's wants may not be too different from your own wants and desires.  

There are 10 basic relationship wants ( some may even consider them needs) that all men wish they could have.  All you have to do is recognize these wants, and invest a little time and effort to make them a reality.

1. Men want us to tell them what is on our minds.

women are complex creatures, we are nurturers, creators, communicators and
managers.  We can easily express what is on our minds when it comes to a business deal of interior design, but are we playing mind games when it comes to our man?
Men want to know how to satisfy us, really they do.  And guess what, if we let them in on our little secrets in advance, they are pretty smart creatures, and will adapt.  They can actually learn how to pick up on how we think ( once we let them into our heads, of course), and over time, will better learn how to
anticipate our wants and begin to understand what drives us as a human being.

2. men want women who know how to compromise.

Friday nite is chick flicks and chocolates, but what does your man get in return?  More chick flicks and chocolates?  come on ladies. Its only nice to also participate in his favorite extracurricular activities?
Give in to your dreaded anti-sports routine and say cheers with your beer and watch the game with him.  Play football in the yard, ( it can actually be a sexy thing to do , wrestling with your man and the football).  You may just learn that football, golf, etc isn't boring after all, and you are good at it too. lol.
It doesn't hurt to give in once in a while.
Don't forget ladies, many men tend  to give in to our wants, not only to make us happy but to feel closer, and then they become resentful when we refuse to reciprocate.  Don't let resentment build and find that years later you are taking seperate vacations, fill both of your lives with things each other enjoys to do.

3. Men want an intellectual equal.

Yes, they enjoy the "big, strong man" routine

But bottom line, smart is sexy.  Men want to be able to have stimulating
conversations with the woman they love,  not just meaningless talk that gets you through the day.
Taking time to talk over a bottle of wine when the kids are asleep, about politics, current events, philosophy stronger, encourages your husband or significant other to be your fan forever.

4. Show them your sexy side once in awhile.
5. Men want a true partner, not a roomate.
6. He wants an independent woman who doesn't need him.
7. Without trust, there is nothing.
8. He wants to see your nurturing side.
9. Your friendship means the world to him.
10. he wants an angel in the living room and a devil in the bedroom.

Hot sex. Sexy that is steamy, exciting, fun and erotic, thats what every man (and woman) wants.
And i know ladies that its hard to come to grips with our bodies and our age.'
Get over it!  Our bodies are glorious temples like no other object in this world.
We are curvy ( the curvier the better in many men's eyes) and soft, sweet smelling creations who can give and recieve so much pleasure.  Stretch marks are just the highway of our life's  journey---- not something to be criticized every time we look in the mirror.  Glossing over what we think are our imperfections and actually accepting our bodies is the sexiest a woman can do.
Own it, ladies!   You are a goddess, and your man just wants a taste, a glimmer, a sampling of our power.   He wants you, and no one else.

Goodnite ladies, see you tomorrow.  Keep looking for new things everyday.

Different quotes, sayings, and facts

 "The Truth is, once your clothes come off, this is the extent of what a guy
is thinking: "BOOBS".

  Funny thoughts for the day:

Do stairs go up or down?

Why is there a top line on lined paper if we never use it?

If Hooters were to become a door to door service would they have changed
their names to knockers?

If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?

Aren't the good things that come to those who wait, just the leftovers from the people that got theres first.

why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but its ok to use
a handicapped toilet?

why are people so scared of mice, yet we all love Mickey Mouse?

wouldn't it be smart to make the sticky stuff on envelopes taste like chocolate.

"Have you ever noticed that if you rearranged the letters in mother in law, they come out to woman hitler?"

Isn't it funny how the work 'politics' is made up of the words 'poli' meaning
'many' in Latin, and 'tics' as in 'bloodsucking creatures'?

why is it that when things get wet they get darker, even though water is clear?

I hope you will like them, and i will add more on there with different things.
As for the day, it was so totally pretty today, thats what i call a good fall day.
I hope all of you or at least some were able to enjoy it, and maybe tonight you might enjoy doing more, like a movie and popcorn if your not too tired, and a good cup of hot chocolate, or joe.

Me, i prefer the movie and popcorn.  I love movies, and i love popcorn.

Well, thats all for this blog today.  See ya'll tomorrow.